No matter if you are a Northern Bird or a Southern Belle, it’s all about “detail” in decorating your space! I enjoyed teaching our latest seminar, “Homes with Heart” and absolutely loved the wonderful people that were there with their Northern and Southern perspectives of “detail”. We all sometimes get so wrapped up in what social media and television shows tell us on “how to decorate and what is the latest look”, that sometimes we forget who we are!!!
Breathe… advice to you all out there, “be YOU, be HAPPY, create YOUR space (bedroom, kitchen, etc.) as you see yourself. When you wake up in the morning, focus on an item or furniture piece that makes you smile. Enjoy the feeling that it brings to you. Ask yourself, what is attracting me to this piece? The color, the texture, the architecture, period of time when it was built? Maybe all of the above?
If you can answer that one question, you can now detail your space accordingly. Emphasize your answer and build your space around your “You” and your “Happy”.
Sometimes we all congregate to certain stimulus when working on our homes, such as magazines (for you Southerners: Southern Living, Veranda, etc., for you Northerners: Better Homes and Gardens and Traditional Home, etc.) or we stare aimlessly at HGTV, and other home remodeling shows. Hold on tight if you want to ride that merry-go-round!! You will realize there are so many ideas out there that you lose track of what you, YOURSELF, are trying to create.
Slow down and enjoy yourself when creating your “heart” in your home. Find that serenity and peace that builds each area and smile when you are done. It’s YOU that lives there…..
Always feel free to send me any questions that you might have. We all love to hear from you!